spruced by marlene

Monthly Archives: March 2011

speed shopping

By Marlene | Published: 9. March 2011
Yesterday morning. The doorbell rings. James: "Are you expecting someone? The shoe-man again?" Me: "I don't know why you keep calling our postman that. Incidentally, he's not delivering shoes today. He's bringing a hat." (more…)
Posted in fashion, hers | Tagged | 3 Comments |

mr. hare

By James | Published: 8. March 2011
When it comes to shoes, men can't compete. It's hard to imagine me wearing a pair of shoes as bold as Marlene's Prada pumps without feeling I would look like a clown (I'm talking about the pattern only, not the heels. I never imagine myself in high heels). Men just look better in classic shoes. (more…)
Posted in fashion, his | Tagged | 1 Comment |

seeing red

By Marlene | Published: 3. March 2011
If I had to pick the most exciting colour from my closet, I would probably say: gray. I'll wear beige too, but only when I'm feeling really risky. At least that's how it was until James made me a pair of red trousers last year. Ever since then I've started looking at red as a wardrobe staple. You know, as in "red is the new black". Although red is of course [...]