spruced by marlene

Monthly Archives: January 2015

sunglasses from ace & tate

By Marlene | Published: 13. January 2015
I don’t know about you, but I’m ready for summer. I already started dropping hints to James that I might like some sunglasses from Ace & Tate for Christmas around early December when their Berlin pop-up shop opened. Hints like: „Do have have any ideas what to get me for Christmas yet? Because I do!“ (more…)

a month in fashion (and other stuff) #1

By Marlene | Published: 11. January 2015
As it was unlikely I’d find the time to continue writing „a week in fashion“ regularly, I’ve decided to... rename it „a month in fashion (and other stuff)“. Which, yeah, I could’ve spent more time coming up with a better title. Instead I used the time to watch, read, listen, shop and generally fall in love with the following things (starting [...]
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the theory of (doing) everything

By Marlene | Published: 7. January 2015
The baby’s sleeping. Now quickly write the blogpost. Wait! Take the laundry out of the machine first. Although then I’d have to clear away the dried clothes. And fold them? No time. Maybe I should roll out the cookie dough that’s been in the fridge for three days instead. And not forget the cookies in the oven again. The first batch was so hard, I could’ve [...]