Der Schuh-Mann war da.
Der Schuh-Mann war da.
My book Stilvoll is out now.
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I'm Marlene and this is my blog, where I share stories about style, beauty, design and all things that spruce up the everyday. I like men's shirts, good tailoring and a kick-ass red lipstick. My grandmother taught me that one can never own too many shoes. And who would I be to question my grandmother.
Spruced is written in English and German. Take your pick below or in the navigation bar above.
© 2025
9 Kommentare
nice! but probably not made for Berlins streets.
Yes, very true! But if I only bought shoes that were fit for Berlin streets, I would have a shoe closet full of sneakers.
ah! beautiful!
i want them, too!
which brand are they from?
Ah, a fellow shoe lover! They’re from Zara…
Virginia Horstmann
The shoeman is a good guy. And these shoes are GORGEOUS, I fear I fell in love. Swoooon!
They’re still in store… Go get ‚em!
Virginia Horstmann
no way, really? very nice excuse to travel to hamburg and shop the big zara (can you believe there is no zara store here in bremen? dang!). Thanks Marlene!
Really! So get yourself on a train… Small warning: These are not shoes you can actually walk in (for a very long time). But pretty they are.