spruced by marlene

summer beauty: nail polish

By Marlene | Published: 23. July 2013


Perhaps I should thank my neighbours instead of calling the police. They’ve decided to host a little get-together on this beautiful summer night. Although they wouldn’t call it that. They’d call it a paaaaaaardy!

My neighbours are 20.

They drive me insane not least because they have turned me into a cranky old lady. But that’s another story for another day.

Going to sleep is impossible right now. So instead I’m taking the opportunity to give myself a fresh pedicure. My feet are soaking in a bucket at the moment, and after a scrub I’ll apply one of these three colours, my favourite shades for summer.

| Rouge Flore from Kure Bazaar
| Cute As A Button from Essie
| Less Is More from Anny

I think I’m going to go with „Rouge Flore”. Who knows why, but I’m feeling a teeny tiny bit riotous at the moment…

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  1. talie fee
    Posted 24. July 2013 at 07:54 | Permalink

    Genau das Gleiche habe ich gestern Abend auch gemacht. Fußbad mit anschließendem Kokosölpeeling. Aber nicht wegen der Nachbarschaft.
    Bei mir viel die Wahl dann auf “April” von Chanel.

  2. alma
    Posted 24. July 2013 at 13:24 | Permalink

    wegen einem die halbe stadt beschallenden volksfest in mittelaltertradition (wallenstein): dudelsackklänge – am liebsten würde ich -mit einem gezückter nadel, selbstverständlich – alle dudelsäcke dieser welt zerpicksen . . .

    jedenfalls hilft die lieblingsmusik im bad mit ausgiebigster manipediküre ganz stark beim lässig-bleiben. und, wann kommt man da sonst schon zu ;)?!

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