spruced by marlene

Monthly Archives: June 2014

shopping for baby

By Marlene | Published: 30. June 2014
I was almost certain that I'd manage to keep to the list my midwife gave me of the necessary baby clothes. After all, the little ones grow faster than you can say „You’re not old enough to drink yet!”. But then I spotted a denim overall at Baby Gap and basically lost all control. (more…)

it’s a boy

By Marlene | Published: 17. June 2014
I know it’s been quiet around here lately. Perhaps you’ve guessed the reason for my silence already. It’s because life elsewhere suddenly got a lot noisier. Our boy Arlo Elliott was born four weeks ago, surprising us with both his early arrival and with a joy so overwhelming we couldn’t have dreamt was possible to feel. There are moments I still can’t [...]
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