spruced by marlene

Monthly Archives: August 2012

postcard from denmark

By Marlene | Published: 20. August 2012
Maybe it's fitting that I arrived back home in a heat wave today. Everything ran at a very reduced speed and I couldn't have moved any quicker anyway after the week I've just had. A week in my parents' summerhouse in Denmark: don't set the alarm, get up whenever, watch the sun crawl over the veranda, eat breakfast with Fibersund and blueberries, read an entire [...]
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on the road

By Marlene | Published: 12. August 2012
One more coffee from Emmerys, my fuel during fashion week together with the tebirkes from their bakery (next time you're in Denmark, try them!) and I'll be on the road to the seaside. No internet for a week, just sitting on the beach and wearing denim shorts every day. See you in seven days.
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stepping up

By Marlene | Published:
My diagnosis after three days of shows in Copenhagen: sensory overload (and not just because there are so many ridiculously good-looking people here. Who are all very nonchalant about it. My friend Marcus and I were talking about this last night at a party full of ridiculously good-looking people and we came to the conclusion that the lack of snobbery is [...]