spruced by marlene

Tag Archive: Sophie Bille Brahe

one-sided love

By Marlene | Published: 20. October 2015
„How often am I going to wear it?“ There she is again, the voice of reason in the dressing room. Wants to know if I can see myself wearing whatever it is I’m trying on for the next five years. Or if it’s only going to last one season. Or if it’s at all possible that I’ll never wear it again after paying for it. (more…)

stepping up

By Marlene | Published: 11. August 2012
My diagnosis after three days of shows in Copenhagen: sensory overload (and not just because there are so many ridiculously good-looking people here. Who are all very nonchalant about it. My friend Marcus and I were talking about this last night at a party full of ridiculously good-looking people and we came to the conclusion that the lack of snobbery is [...]