spruced by marlene

Monthly Archives: January 2013

classic danish design

By Marlene | Published: 7. January 2013
I used to go to Denmark for Christmas almost every year. First to my grandparents' house and later, after they moved to Spain almost 20 years ago, to my parents' place. Spending the holidays there is something of a family ritual. My mom especially loves celebrating in Denmark and so do I. Even though I don't get to spend a lot of time in the North, I do [...]

a week in fashion #81

By Marlene | Published: 6. January 2013
*I'm not going to take it as a sign for the coming year that I spent the first weekend of that year working. Nope. Instead, I'm taking the woman on this card as an example - and try to relaaaax. The card arrived as a Christmas greeting from Anoushka Matus. Charming, no? Anoushka, by the way, is a hugely talented illustrator, as you can see on her website. [...]

something simple

By Marlene | Published: 3. January 2013
Perhaps there's another thing I should put on my list of goals for 2013: get organised. The first time I wrote about the Lala Berlin Hendrix blouse was last September. Sarah asked me back then how I wear it and if I'd do an outfit post. Which I very much wanted to do. And yet it took me three months to get around to it. Sarah? Sorry about the delay. But here [...]


By Marlene | Published: 2. January 2013
Happy New Year! When I woke up yesterday morning, I thought I might still be drunk on champagne, feeling light-headed and buzzy. If I was drunk, then not from a couple of glasses of bubbly, but on the feeling of waking up on the first day of the new year. It might be silly to put that much weight on a simple date, yet it marks being at the beginning of [...]
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