spruced by marlene

a week in fashion #24

By Marlene | Published: 24. June 2011

*The first invites to Berlin Fashion Week arrived this week. Hooray!

*At this point it might be news to exactly no-one, but: H&M’s next designer collaboration will be with Versace, featuring re-designs of Gianni and Donatella’s most iconic pieces. The Versace for H&M collection will hit stores in November. Enough time, perhaps, to get used to the idea of gold-studded leather dresses.

*Look! It’s The Sartorialtwist!

*“DON’T wear carrot earrings.” Simon Doonan dishes out sensible advice on summer attire for the office at Slate.

*No time to make your own mixtape for summer? Head over to Dazed Digital for their summer playlist. It’s good.

*After roadtripping through the US, David Lynch brings his Interview Project to Germany. Inspired.

*Azzedine Alaïa holds a unique place in the fashion industry, which he’s partly earned by not caring about the fashion industry. He gave a disarmingly honest interview to Virgine Mag and, among other things, had this to say about his colleague Karl Lagerfeld: “I don’t like his fashion, his spirit, his attitude. It’s too much caricature […] I would rather die than see my face in a car advertisement. We don’t do the same work. And I think that he is not doing a favor to young stylists who might think it works that way. They’re going to fall before they retire.” I’m sure by this time next week I can post Lagerfeld’s reply…

Happy weekend!

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  1. nele
    Posted 24. June 2011 at 20:47 | Permalink

    I´m not too keen on Azzedines Alaias style, but I totally agree with his words. Karl Lagerfeld is getting more and more neurotic, which does not make him entertaining, but boring.

  2. Marlene
    Posted 25. June 2011 at 09:58 | Permalink

    I just think all those tv ads, teddy bears and coke bottles make him look a bit silly. And that’s not a good look for a designer of his stature.

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  1. By a week in fashion #27 on 17. July 2011 at 13:38

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