*Why oh why did I forget my camera at home last night? I went to the MTWTFSS Collection preview, the new, more “grown-up” line from Weekday and met Elinor, who does PR for the brand. And is a perfect model for the clothes. I’m so in love with this combination of a sharp white tux jacket, simple t-shirt and slouchy silk pants that I just had to show you, even it’s just in an iPhone snap. There are a lot of other nice pieces in the collection, which hits stores in February.
*Wouldn’t it be amazing, if Ryan Gosling actually lived like this? “Don’t worry, I’m not mad at you. I’m just shaking my fist because I’m so darn excited we found this farm table for the dining room.” Ahahaha!
*Damn you, internet! How am I going to get anything done in the next weeks, if you’re giving me the complete Valentino Garavani archives?
*I’m practically living in my grey Victoria Beckham jeans these days. Excuse me, Victoria Beckham jeans? Why, yes. They’re great. Just as great as this short film for her upcoming collection.
*Not exactly news anymore, but I’m still excited that Anthropologie have arrived in Germany!
*I saw the gold leftovers of the Versace for H&M pieces in the store this week and I’m much more excited about their upcoming collaboration with Marni. Much more excited!
*Can I please have a Maison Labiche t-shirt with the “be bop a lula” stitching for Chrismas? Thank you. (via Alexa Peng)
Have a great weekend!
Hach, da hast mir aber jetzt die erste halbe Samstags-Stunde hübsch versüßt! Marni <3! Posh-Spice-Jeans sind auf meinem Radar aufgetaucht! Be bop a lula & schönes Wochenende wünscht die Lis
Oh und Alexas Armbänder … ein Traum.
Oder? Gleich noch ein paar für Weihachten bestellen…
Done. Habe mich die Tage mit Alexa in Verbindung gesetzt, entsprechender Urban Notes-Post meinerseits wird folgen. Yes! Freue mich wie ein kleines Mädel, aber echt.
Oh, großartig! Ich hab zwei von Alexas Armbändern, die ich beide sehr gern hab. Ein guter Kauf!