spruced by marlene

a week in fashion #37

By Marlene | Published: 25. September 2011

*I took pictures of my friend Marie’s wardrobe this weekend. Here’s a little preview (cool booties, right?). And here’s some other stuff that made this a good week…

*The Guardian has revamped the fashion section and one of the things I like most about it is the new “A life in Style” audio slideshow series. First up: sunglasses designer Robert Roope. Also: Jess C-M’s commentary on the fashion week snaps she takes for their tumblr is, of course, brilliant.

*Yet another way for me to buy shoes online! Spanish brand Uterqüe now offers online shopping in Germany (James is shaking in his boots already…)

*Flavorwire picked the most exciting books for fall, which made me: 1) think that whatever book jacket designers are being paid in America, they should be paid more for making books look this exceptionally good 2) run out and buy “It chooses you”, the new book from Miranda July, immediately. 3) run out and buy “The Marriage Plot”, the new novel from Jeffrey Eugenides, immediately.

*My friend Sandra has been busy photographing the shows in Milan. You can see her great streetstyle captures on her new blog A love is blind.

*The new issue of The Gentlewoman is out. Finally!

*Audrey Hepburn had a pet fawn. You know you wanted to know that.

Have a great week!

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  1. Silke
    Posted 26. September 2011 at 17:59 | Permalink

    Es gibt ein neues Buch von Jeffrey Eugenides, Audrey Hepburn hatte ein Reh als Haustier und dazu dieses Mädchen mit Hut. Liebe Marlene, you made my day, vielen Dank!

  2. Marlene
    Posted 27. September 2011 at 10:11 | Permalink

    Oh, das freut mich! Gibt aber auch nicht viele Tage, an denen diese drei Dinge zusammenkommen…

  3. Silke
    Posted 27. September 2011 at 13:12 | Permalink

    Und das ist gut so, sonst wäre das kein Highlight mehr sondern Alltag – wie traurig wäre das denn.

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