spruced by marlene

a week in fashion #77

By Marlene | Published: 30. September 2012

*Have you heard of a thing called pre-emptive shopping? It’s what I did this week: Spent all the money I wanted to make at the flea market – before the flea market. Thankfully, sales were good today (although I’m crap at haggling. “How much do you want?” “Eight Euros.” “Five.” “Okay!” Clearly, I could use a lesson from “Life of Brian”). The shopping, however, was even better. I got my hands on this Hendrix blouse at the LalaBerlin Sale this week and I’m rather in love.

*Speaking of music idols. Are you ready to accept Kurt Cobain as your style guide? Cause, look, Dries Van Noten took inspiration from him. And he came up with a dementedly good collection. I want everything. Yes, including white-framed sunglasses.

*While you’re on Self Service magazine’s blog, have a look around. They show some of the most beautiful behind-the-scenes images from the various fashion weeks. And they have entertaining stuff, too, like candids from the front row. I like this series from the Rodarte show.

*Ever since I discovered make-up artist Lisa Eldridge’s videos on Primer & Lacquer, I’ve been a little bit obsessed. She clearly knows what she’s talking about and her chatty, refreshing tone make her beauty tutorials even easier to follow, like this one on make-up for a night out. She also writes a monthly column in British Elle now. To whoever came up with that idea: Thank you!

*BLK DNM really didn’t have to photograph Caroline de Maigret to make me like their collection. But it sure doesn’t hurt either. (Damn, that leather jacket!)

*Soraya Bakhtiar writes a style blog I like reading.

*One more reason I will keep writing notes on paper and not on my phone: These notebooks from Brown Paper Designs.

*Add this book to my wish list: “Katharine Hepburn: Rebel Chic”.

*I can’t remember where I came across one of her images this week (that’s the trouble with this blogs/facebook/pinterest/instagram world), but Lina Scheynius‘s photography knocks my socks off every time I see it.

*You know what your day has been missing? Steve McQueen. You’re welcome.

Have a good week!

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  1. Sarah
    Posted 2. October 2012 at 12:02 | Permalink

    Witzig, genau diese Bluse habe ich mir letzte Woche auch bestellt. Zeigst Du mal in einem Outfitpost, wie Du sie kombinierst? Liebe Grüße – ich lese Deinen Blog übrigens sehr gerne!

    • Marlene
      Posted 2. October 2012 at 12:37 | Permalink

      Hallo Sarah, ach, freut mich, dass es dir hier gefällt. Danke! Liebst du die Bluse auch so? Ein guter Kauf. Ein Post zum Outfit sollte drin sein, ich trag die Bluse nämlich gerade ständig, haha, am liebsten zu Jeans oder einer schwarzen Hose. In ein paar Tagen mehr… Bis dahin liebe Grüße zurück, Marlene

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