spruced by marlene

an unlikely find

By James | Published: 29. February 2012

Some of the most treasured items in my wardrobe are the pieces that seemed to find me, rather than the things I’ve spent so long searching out. When you have a clear idea of what you want, actually finding it can almost be anticlimactic. I have a velvet jacket that had hung in my father’s closet for years that I only discovered when he put it in a pile of things to be thrown out. There is also a leather jacket from a charity shop that cost five pounds on a day when I had exactly that amount in my pocket and actually went in to pick up a book to read on the train.

I have actually been looking for a new pair of boots for a while but they were the last thing on my mind when I visited my friends’ new apartment. When she asked what size shoe I wear, explaining that she had found an old pair of boots hidden in the back of one of the closets when she moved in, I was too intrigued not to try them on. They have a really interesting system for tying them up with the laces threading through the wooden heel. And they fit perfectly so I grabbed them before anyone else had the time to claim them.

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