spruced by marlene

inspiration: burgundy

By Marlene | Published: 18. December 2013


I had planned this post for early October. I know that so exactly because every year when autumn arrives, I suddenly want to wear burgundy. That was two months ago, but when I came across this picture today I decided to post it anyway. Because I needed a reminder to wear other colours besides black at the moment. Because my favourite buy of the year is in the picture, which is fitting as 2013 comes to an end (can you guess which piece it is? I’ll show you tomorrow…) And because, if you’re a last minute present shopper like me, I wanted to remind you that you still have the chance to order a James Castle bag before Christmas. You can find The Nora in burgundy (above) in his online shop as well a whole lot of other bag styles. Happy shopping!

| Jeans: H&M | „The Nora” tote: James Castle | Brogues: Rupert Sanderson | Nail Polish: Chanel „Accessoire” | Lipstick: Uslu Airlines „SIB” | Cashmere pullover: Cos | Trenchcoat: A.P.C.

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  1. Farbenfreundin
    Posted 22. December 2013 at 12:16 | Permalink

    Gute Idee, eine Schwarz-Pause zu machen. Burgundy macht warm, macht schön, macht das Leben farbiger!

  2. hanna
    Posted 3. January 2014 at 10:09 | Permalink

    Weinrot war bis vor einigen Wochen keine Option für mich. So langsam werde ich warm mit der Farbe. Ach, was sag ich da, heiß werde ich! Wenn ich die Tasche da so sehe. Ein Traum! Ab auf die Wunschliste…

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