spruced by marlene

something for the weekend…

By Marlene | Published: 23. September 2011

Is it really Friday again? How did that happen? Although I’m not unhappy that another week’s gone by, because that means it’s time to plan the weekend, something I’m looking forward to even more since Okka and Steffi started packing the weekend full of happiness.

And I really will be packing this weekend: my suitcase, because I’m going to Paris on Tuesday. Oui! Right in time for the Prêt-à-Porter shows. I’ll be there all week, going with a photographer friend (the very talented and lovely Sandra), armed with my own camera. I’m so ridiculously excited about going, I’ll probably spend most of my weekend wearing a striped shirt and re-reading this charming recount of Paris fashion week in 1947 by the wonderful Rosamond Bernier. That article will be my manual for the week. Especially the part about keeping sober.

The thing about packing for Paris: what to take, while leaving enough room for things to bring back? So far I’ve only decided on three things (to take. I’m not even going to pretend I won’t bring back more than three new things): 1) My trusted white shirt, because I can throw it on without even thinking about it. That shirt is so well-loved that it might be time to get a new one. I’ve got my eyes on a white shirt with a Mandarin collar from the J+ Uniqlo collection, Jil Sander’s last for the label. There are some great coats in the collection, too. I just hope there will be some left by the time I get to the store… 2) A pair of stupidly high leopard print patent leather pumps. Stupid, because: I will be running around all week, taking pictures of other people in high heels and these pumps are many things, but they are not made for running. I’m taking them anyway. After all, who travels to Paris only with flats? Exactly. 3) James’ Persol sunnies. Because they’re cool.

Okka has supplied me with a great guide to Paris, and whatever else I do, I will be making these two stops: One to Ladurée to gorge on Macarons. And one to City Pharma to stock up on whatever the legal amount is for exporting Embryolisse Lait Crème Concentré out of France. It’s the best face cream I’ve ever used. In the 51 weeks out of the year I don’t go to Paris, I buy it online here.

There are lots more things to plan and pack (and unpack and re-pack), so I better get started…

What are your plans for the weekend? And do you have any tips for what to see and do in Paris?

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  1. Steffie
    Posted 23. September 2011 at 10:20 | Permalink

    try one of these lovely cafés : http://photisserie.blogspot.com/search/label/Caf%C3%A9s

    hmnnnnn… hmmnnn… enjoy Paris!!!

    • Marlene
      Posted 24. September 2011 at 11:17 | Permalink

      Oh, Steffie! Every single place on that list looks amazing. Thanks so much!

  2. Roey
    Posted 23. September 2011 at 11:29 | Permalink

    you won’t regret it

    • Marlene
      Posted 24. September 2011 at 11:17 | Permalink

      Done! It’s on the itinerary.

      • Roey
        Posted 24. September 2011 at 19:54 | Permalink

        for dinner, don’t just drop by, book a table in advance
        and don’t miss the Mousse au Chocolat 🙂

  3. O.
    Posted 23. September 2011 at 12:51 | Permalink

    Ah, PARIS! (Und das ist wirklich die beste Creme aller Zeiten!)

  4. Marlene
    Posted 24. September 2011 at 11:19 | Permalink

    Oh ja! Und bald haben wir genug davon, um einen Shop in Berlin eröffnen, non?

  5. Manu
    Posted 13. October 2011 at 21:42 | Permalink

    Hallo, ich habe gerade Deinen Blog entdeckt und bin fleißig am Stöbern. Finde ihn super. Ich bin vor allem auf diesem Beitrag hängengeblieben, da ich schon monatelang auf der Suche nach einem perfekten Paar Leo-Pumps bin. Die auf Deinem Bild kommen meiner Vorstellung sehr nahe. Magst Du verraten, woher die sind?
    Liebe Grüße von der Manu

    • Marlene
      Posted 17. October 2011 at 16:00 | Permalink

      Liebe Manu, danke dir! Freut mich, dass es dir bei uns gefällt. Klar verrat ich dir, woher die Schuhe sind: von Rupert Sanderson. Ich kann dir allerdings auch verraten, dass sie mörderisch hoch sind. Und dabei so schön, dass ich mich kaum traue, damit überhaupt auf der Straße zu laufen. Also eher Schuhe zum Bewundern als zum Tragen. Was ich mir nur leisten kann, weil die Schuhe ein Geschenk waren. Kann sein, dass ich mir das nur einbilde, aber ich glaube ich hab neulich auf Asos welche gesehen, die diesen gar nicht so unähnlich sind… Liebe Grüße!

      • Manu
        Posted 19. October 2011 at 09:10 | Permalink

        Hi! Danke für die Antwort. Ja, die bei Asos habe ich auch schon entdeckt. Mal schaun, ob sie meine werden ;-))
        Viele Grüße

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