spruced by marlene

the no-blush blush

By Marlene | Published: 3. October 2013


„Why do so many women skip blusher? It troubles me.”

It’s impossible not to love Sali Hughes and that sentence is one of the many reasons why. You know Sali? She’s the Guardian beauty columnist and I follow her with the ardour of an underage Justin Bieber fan. You can guess from that first line that she takes her stuff seriously. She also has a good sense of humour about it and always manages to strike a good balance between being informative and very entertaining. Nothing she’s recommended, whether it’s a technique or a product, has failed me so far. The woman even managed to teach me how to apply blush in a way that doesn’t make me look like David Bowie. My now favourite blush was also a tip from her. It’s from Nars and called „Orgasm”. Because… the product developers had one when they came up with this shade? I hope so, because it’s brilliant. A soft pink that never looks painted on, just fresh and lovely.

Here is Sali showing you how to perfectly apply blush.

And here are her complete archives. Just make sure not to plan anything else for your weekend before you start watching the videos.

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  1. Valerie
    Posted 4. October 2013 at 10:35 | Permalink

    Danke, Marlene! Ich wundere mich auch oft, warum Frauen kein Rouge tragen, das macht soooo viel aus. Und ihr Technik ist genial – da werd ich mich gleich ein paar mehr Videos anschauen.

    Kennst du Lisa Eldrige? Eine britische, sehr erfolgreiche, Visagistin, die einen phänomenalen youtube-Kanal hat. http://www.youtube.com/user/lisaeldridgedotcom

    Hoffe, du hast ein tolles Wochenende und alles Liebe,

  2. Verena
    Posted 4. October 2013 at 13:24 | Permalink

    NARS Orgasm Blush ist der Wahnsinn. Auch toll – die Shimmer Bricks von Bobbi Brown.

  3. Natalia
    Posted 5. October 2013 at 01:53 | Permalink

    Auch mein Favorit! 🙂

  4. martina Kink
    Posted 5. October 2013 at 15:36 | Permalink

    I’m one of those women, although I use Benetint on the rare occasion (because it seems foolproof). I just tried Sali’s technique using my own powder NARS called “Amour”, which seemed a bit silly and futile as I’m down with a nasty sinus infection and look like, well. What can I say – the woman has a point. (I also imagine that NARS’ “Amour” was “Orgasm’s” predecessor. I like that, too.)

  5. Svea
    Posted 11. October 2013 at 22:24 | Permalink

    I will give the technique a try, what she says about the round brush totally makes sense. However I can’t leave this message without asking: why does her own make up look somewhat amateurish? She sure has a harsh change of color between jawline and neck.

  6. Linda
    Posted 12. October 2013 at 12:44 | Permalink

    Haven´t tried this one yet, but it definitely sounds interesting 😉 I´ll surely check it out.
    I´m using Bobbie Browns Shimmer Brick and really love it.


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