spruced by marlene

the tweed blazer

By James | Published: 9. March 2012

No other fabric catches the imagination quite as much as Harris Tweed. The material, so steeped in history, is still hand woven in the Outer Hebrides. Indeed if it isn’t made on the Isle of Harris, it can’t bear the name. For a fabric that is so utilitarian and robust it is also incredibly elegant. Often the most striking characteristic is the colour with as many as eight or nine different shades spun into a single yarn giving a beautiful depth and texture to the cloth.

Obviously I am a big fan. Following on from Dave’s suit, I was asked to make a Harris Tweed blazer. I couldn’t wait to get started.

I went for a very clean, classic shape and finished the jacket with a four pocket design. I found some beautiful horn buttons with orange shades running through them that perfectly match the windowpane check in the fabric.

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  1. liz
    Posted 10. March 2012 at 15:32 | Permalink

    damnperfect, congratulations! collar/lapel/shoulder/pockets/crazilyheavytweed/neckline/buttons/…etc. i really like ur guys blog btw, its somehow well balanced and authentic!

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