spruced by marlene


By James | Published: 13. July 2012

Drum roll, please!

I have a new website! Of course I will carry on sharing the things I’m working on here, but I also now have a website to better showcase my work (and to make buying my designs even easier). If you have been thinking about a made-to-measure jacket, or a hand-sewn bag, or anything else you might want for your closet, why not take a look at some of the things I have created. Or maybe you just want to have a browse. Either way, you can find the website here.

P.S. Those who read this page regularly may have noticed that there has been one contributer doing more than her fair share of the posting recently. I on the other hand, have been almost entirely absent. I could try and come up with excuses for this, but at the end of the day they would only be excuses. Marlene is involved with so many of the things I am, she attends the same events that I do, she is even as equally distracted by football during every major tournament as I am. She also works incredibly hard. When I started to write this I very nearly tried to use the website as a reason for why I hadn’t posted in so long. The truth is Marlene put as much work into it as I did. Marlene, thank you, I couldn’t have done it without you.

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  1. O.
    Posted 13. July 2012 at 14:36 | Permalink

    Ganz, ganz toll!

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