As you may have heard, there was a wedding last week. A wedding which I missed entirely, because I was being held hostage in Madrid, while James was left alone to host our royal party at home. Luckily nothing was going to be repeated as much as THAT kiss and after flicking through countless pictures and reading nearly every bit of commentary out there, I still have a few questions:
*Firstly though, Kate’s dress, sorry, Catherine’s dress was beautiful, no question about it. As much as I had hoped she’d go with McQueen, for some reason I didn’t think she would. But she did! Hooray!
*And hooray too for Sarah Burton for not blabbing.
*Now to the questions: Would it have killed them to kiss just a little longer?
*Is this the best picture ever?
*Couldn’t Posh have cracked a smile? Just once? Maybe she was in too much pain from her heels. I did like her dress however. As I did Princess Letizia’s. And Samantha Cameron’s. And Miriam Gonzalez’s. Hang on. She’s wearing my shoes!
*How many unsuspecting party guests did Princess Beatrice spear with her hat? Apparently, it’s a force to be reckoned with. To wit: The situation room in the White House as Osama bin Laden was taken down (you know, that other thing that also happened this week).
*Was there anyone at the wedding party that Philip Treacy didn’t make a hat for?
*What was Tara Palmer-Tomkinson thinking when she picked out this ensemble? Perchance that it might distract from her nose?
*Guy Ritchie – Why?
*Who is behind the Pippa Middleton Ass Appreciation Society? My guess is Harry.
*Was that really necessary Katie Grand?
*How many women are really going to buy a copy of those dresses?
*And in completely unrelated news: George Clooney turned 50 today. Which is as good an excuse as any to link to this picture. Enjoy!