spruced by marlene

a week in fashion #58

By Marlene | Published: 27. February 2012

*I wonder how other people do it sometimes, go to work, take care of their family, run their lives – and come up with a couple or more blog posts a week. We manage to do it most of the time, because we love writing this blog. But sometimes it’s just too much. It was these last couple of weeks.

James was busy with work. I was running around the Berlinale – which does also count as work, even if it involves drinking silly amounts of champagne and taking fun pictures of my friends at partys – and then I came down with the Berlinale flu (I blame the champagne). I was sick as a dog for a week and I’m still recovering. I’m even going to miss watching the Oscars tonight for the first time in ten years, because I need more rest. I also don’t think I could stand watching Meryl lose yet again (and lose she will, I just know it). Instead, I’ll just click through the Meryl Streep lookbook again. The lady has made some sketchy sartorial choices. I don’t mind. Meryl can do no wrong in my eyes. And, holy smokes, wasn’t she hot in the 70s? So hot.

*Let’s hope I’ll be back to full strength when the Marni for H&M collection hits stores next week, because I’ll need all the elbow power I’ve got to get hold of that amazing polka-dotted jacket.

*Raf Simons final collection for Jil Sander before Jil Sander herself takes over again makes me miss him already. Beautiful.

*New blog discovery, new blog love: 12345679 smiling.

*My friend Sandra has hit London and Milan fashion weeks and delivers some of the best streetstyle captures around. I especially love these two women in shades of blue in London.

*The last-minute cleaning tips from Sous Style’s Pippa are great. But the picture is brilliant.

Have a great week!

P.S. That just shows you how much I know. Meryl wins! Hooray!

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  1. Mailis
    Posted 27. February 2012 at 23:53 | Permalink

    O Gott, ja was trägt sie da auf diesen Fotos?! Die Frau hat so dermaßen viel Ausstrahlung, ich habe gar nicht realisiert, wie schlecht sie sich eigentlich kleidet. Egalegalegal, große Freude, coole Rede!

  2. Marlene
    Posted 28. February 2012 at 00:06 | Permalink

    My dear, ich habe meinen Kommentar von eben gleich wieder gelöscht. Komplett missversanden, welche Fotos du meinst. Die Erkältung hat offenbar aufs Hirn geschlagen…

    Am besten ist sie tatsächlich in ihren Filmen gekleidet, oder? Aber, wirklich, total wurscht. Seit gestern Nacht lieb ich Meryl noch ein bisschen mehr.

  3. Lara Berlin
    Posted 28. February 2012 at 12:35 | Permalink

    Wow, ein superschönes Bild!!

    • Marlene
      Posted 28. February 2012 at 22:14 | Permalink

      Danke, Lara! War selbst ganz erstaunt wie gut’s geworden ist, für so einen Schnappschuss. Ich werd die kleine Digitalkamera in Zukunft sicher wieder öfter benutzen…

  4. Natachasteven
    Posted 27. May 2012 at 23:11 | Permalink

    Quite cute outfit!

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