spruced by marlene

By Marlene | Published: 22. December 2016


What a week this has been. What a year. I can’t quite comprehend what happened in Berlin on Monday night. Just as I can’t comprehend Aleppo. Can’t comprehend the Philippines. I had prepared a few posts for this week, pretty things for Christmas and outfits for New Year’s Eve, this is after all a place for the lighter stuff. But my heart’s just heavy. It didn’t feel right. And so I want to give attention to something else: White Helmets, the Syrian civil defense. Instead of buying big presents, I donated to them. I chose this organisation, but there are many others that offer relief to those most in need. I’m not asking you to do the same as I did. But in the face of all of the horrible news, all of the failings of human kind, I often feel that I can’t make a difference. But I can. And if you’re feeling the same way, you can, too.

This year will soon be over. Until then, I’m wishing you all restful, healthy and peaceful holidays. And hold your close ones even closer right now. I am.






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