spruced by marlene

get shorty

By James | Published: 17. June 2011

Shorts are a tricky subject for men. Women can happily stay cool during the warm summer months in skirts and dresses. For men it’s not always so obvious when it’s acceptable for them to bare their legs. Indeed, if you care to listen to Tom Ford the answer is: never – unless you happen to be on a tennis court.

Even when I do manage to navigate this satorial minefield, the options are limited. The cargo short is an item so ugly that it makes me feel like I should be on a stag do in Magaluf with a friend named Steve-O. Anything sporty also has to be avoided at all costs (undless you happen to be on a tennis court). So, while I have no particular love for them, the job falls to the denim short to get me through the hot weather.

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  1. Travis
    Posted 12. August 2011 at 18:13 | Permalink

    Denim shorts?! Really? In the South of the US, this is a mark of redneck shame. But then again, has there ever been any good fashion to come out of the South?

    • James
      Posted 13. August 2011 at 11:12 | Permalink

      Not that I can think of. Maybe it’s about time for a hooped skirt revival…. no maybe not!

One Trackback

  1. By high five on 18. June 2011 at 14:00

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