spruced by marlene

fashion week favourite: michael sontag

By Marlene | Published: 9. July 2013


Michael Sontag’s show couldn’t have come at a better time than on the final day of Fashion Week. Although: show – that doesn’t really do it justice. The presentation of his new collection felt more like a devotional. When the first model stepped into the light, the pace of the previous hectic four days instantly slowed down to zero. It was so quiet, you could hear the clinking of the crystal-covered sandals over the spherical music. Contrary to their usual strut, the models strode down the runway as if in slow motion. Then again, a goose step would’ve hardly befitted Sontag’s stunning drapery in bold colours. The silk dresses fell so softly that you got the impression they’d drop away at the lightest touch, like a dream after waking up. What I like about Sontag’s designs so much: despite the luxurious fabrics and intricate layering, his woman never looks like a delicate little flower but like a modern woman. Of course, she wears a green silk dress over a grey cotton tee, heavy crystals as a contrast to sportswear. Just like that, I thought when I had to step back into reality after 15 minutes, is how I’d like to breeze through life.



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