spruced by marlene

getting older

By James | Published: 2. July 2011

During my early twenties I used to worry about getting older. Now I find myself humming along to the latest Coldplay single, fully realising it happened without me even noticing. Coldplay! My twenty-year-old self weeps! It is also an inescapable truth that I am now too old to wear flipflops anywhere other than a beach.

So I am on the look-out for a proper pair of leather sandals. And it is proving harder than I thought. Anything with straps that are too slim, in my opinion, look too feminine for a man’s sandal. When the straps become too thick and start moving into Birkenstock territory I get horrible images of someone growing turnips in their back garden.

I need help! And please don’t send me the link to these Balenciaga sandals. They are what I’m looking for. They also cost as much as a flight to a very nice beach.

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  1. sidsel
    Posted 2. July 2011 at 17:27 | Permalink

    sorry. but never to old for flip flops. have you been to india/s.e.asia/etc/ ? that’s all people wear of any age, shape and size. p.s. my feet wear more than happy to live in b’stocks for 6 months. actually, they’re craving a return…

  2. Maude
    Posted 3. July 2011 at 00:08 | Permalink

    Mir geht es genauso. Heute die Füße wund gerannt auf der Suche nach schlichten, flachen Ledersandalen. Gefühlte 234 anprobiert und kein Paar entsprach meinen Wünschen. Nach 8 (!) Jahren mit meinen Lieblingssandalen, mussten die nämlich leider dieses Jahr bei Sommergarderoben-Bestandsaufnahme ihren letzten Weg in die Mülltonne antreten. Seitdem klicke ich mich stundenlang durch Onlineshops oder renne eben wie heute hysterisch durch die Innenstadt. Solltest Du also in Berlin zufällig doch fündig werden, freue ich mich über sachdienliche Hinweise.

  3. Katharina
    Posted 3. July 2011 at 17:06 | Permalink

    James, you might wanna have a look at these handmade greek sandals http://www.greek-sandals.com/default.asp?
    They have a lot of different stlyes for men as well, my boyfriend loves them. And the sandals are VERY affordable.
    Not as glamorous as Balenciaga, though 😉

    • James
      Posted 14. July 2011 at 10:14 | Permalink

      Thanks for the tip, I’ll take a look.

  4. sarah goy
    Posted 3. July 2011 at 22:06 | Permalink

    There should be a shoot on sight order for socks and sandals. I love those Man sandels I wish I sould get them.

    • James
      Posted 14. July 2011 at 10:12 | Permalink

      DEFINITELY no socks, I’d put my name forward for that job myself.

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