spruced by marlene


By James | Published: 8. July 2011

Second stop on my European tour for Derzeit: Paris, where I delivered the paper to concept store Colette (above) and magazine shop Lazy Dog (pictures below). But I spent most of my time outside, because what I saw on the street really captured my interest.

I noticed that a lot of people were wearing navy, which is a colour I like, and had found interesting ways to mix it into their outfits. These are my favourite three: The girl who toughened up her pretty navy and red striped dress with a leather jacket. And the two guys in their smart blazers. Unfortunately, I wasn’t quick enough to catch the man in navy chinos, white shirt and scarf, which also looked great.

Looking forward to London tomorrow…

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  1. Steffi
    Posted 8. July 2011 at 14:43 | Permalink

    Wow, James, great pictures!! And what a fantastic job! I’m very happy for you!

    • James
      Posted 14. July 2011 at 10:08 | Permalink

      Thanks Steffi, it was a lot of fun. Exhausting though, I think I’m still only now recovering!

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