spruced by marlene

Tag Archive: Berlin

my workout (or why the worst time to start a sport might be perfect timing)

By Marlene | Published: 27. June 2019
It was absolutely the wrong day to start working out. My accountant had called the previous day with news that I had to pay back a lot more money for 2017 than I had anticipated. The week before that, someone had unintentionally taken my suitcase instead of theirs from the bus (although I didn’t know it was unintentional at the time and it would take over [...]

my berlin

By Marlene | Published: 4. March 2015
I’m never going to get it done. That’s what it felt like when I sat down once again last summer to write a list of my favourite spots in Berlin. And couldn’t finish it. Shouldn’t I wait until that new shop opens that everyone is already talking about? Until I’ve been to that one café I’ve been meaning to visit forever? Until I can recommend [...]

thone negrón

By Marlene | Published: 10. March 2014
When I grow up, I want to wear dresses like these every day. That’s what I thought when I first discovered Thone Negrón a couple of years ago. It’s the label by Berlin designer Ettina Berrios Negrón (by the way: when I grow up, I'd like to wear that name). She originally wanted to start her own brand after she finished her fashion studies. Then she [...]