spruced by marlene

Tag Archive: trenchcoat

what i wore in may

By Marlene | Published: 31. May 2017
As part of my bold resolution to blog more regularly, I’ve set myself the goal of sharing a favourite piece of clothing once a month. Once a month seems like a) a realistic timeframe. And b) just realistic. I treat favourite clothes the same way I treat favourite songs: I will have them on repeat until I can’t stand them anymore. Although I’ll probably [...]
Posted in fashion, hers | Tagged , , | 3 Comments |

best buy of 2013

By Marlene | Published: 31. December 2013
I can't believe that 2013 is almost over. Wasn't it just January? As much as I look forward to 2014, and before we all put on our party dresses, I thought I'd toast my favourite buy of the past year. Which isn't terribly deep, but I'm in a champagne kind of mood. It's a trenchcoat from A.P.C. And here's why it's a favourite: I thought about it for months. [...]
Posted in fashion, hers | Tagged , , | 5 Comments |