spruced by marlene

Monthly Archives: February 2012

an unlikely find

By James | Published: 29. February 2012
Some of the most treasured items in my wardrobe are the pieces that seemed to find me, rather than the things I've spent so long searching out. When you have a clear idea of what you want, actually finding it can almost be anticlimactic. I have a velvet jacket that had hung in my father's closet for years that I only discovered when he put it in a pile of [...]
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in training

By Marlene | Published: 28. February 2012
Better late than never! This week's - as it turns out: rather divisive - style column. When I "need" new shoes I don't usually go: I MUST have sneakers. Immediately! My routine is that I swap the old pair of Converse for a new pair of Converse every couple of years, normally around the time the old pair have holes big enough to soak up puddles. At first [...]
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a week in fashion #58

By Marlene | Published: 27. February 2012
*I wonder how other people do it sometimes, go to work, take care of their family, run their lives - and come up with a couple or more blog posts a week. We manage to do it most of the time, because we love writing this blog. But sometimes it's just too much. It was these last couple of weeks. (more…)
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small packages

By James | Published: 24. February 2012
I designed the original gold clutch for Marlene. She wanted a bag to take with her on nights out, so I started by thinking about what she might normally take with her. Only after I had worked out what size the bag needed to be did I start thinking about how the bag would look. The final stage was selecting the leather and we both decided that gold was the [...]


By Marlene | Published: 13. February 2012
Sure, it might've been more sensible to look for a pair of boots in the sale, considering it's still freezing in Berlin and will be for a while. But when I saw these sandals at Closed, I couldn't stop myself. It was only when I took them out of their box at home that I asked myself: Neon green? Really? What'll I wear with that? Maybe white jeans and a denim [...]
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