spruced by marlene

a week in fashion #74

By Marlene | Published: 23. July 2012

*These shoes tick all the boxes for a perfect buy (yeah, I say that about a lot of shoes. But these really do!). Because, one, I didn’t expect to find them. Two: They are, uh, “inspired by” the Liya heels from Alexander Wang, which I had been dreaming about for months and which also have a pricetag that I wasn’t going to pay in reality. Three: The price of these? 40 Euros, Zara. And, four: the height of the heel is great, i.e. I can comfortably walk in them for longer than half an hour. And here are some other things that made my week:

*Did you hear? The Olympics kick off in five days. I want to be in England right now – to be able to watch the “Ab Fab” Olympics episode.

*And even though the Games haven’t started yet, I’m already excited about the Closing Ceremony. Kate! Naomi! Linda! will apparently make an appearance.

*So might, omygod, the Spice Girls. Add to that a few weeks of men’s swimming competitions (hey there, Ryan Lochte) and the next month is indeed shaping up to be good.

*I’ll be watching it all from my living room. But next time I go to London, this will be my guide.

*Do you watch “30 Rock”? This makes me think I should start again. Vanity Fair has compiled a list of Jack Donaghy’s best one-liners into a soundboard, including my all-time favourite… Liz: “Why are your wearing a tux?” Jack: “It’s after six. What am I? A farmer?”

*Creative agency Art Partner have launched a blog. So many beautiful pictures, so much procrastination done looking at them.

*It’s impossible to find a nice wash bag. Or so I thought until I found these ones from Alphabet Bags.

*Did I mention that I want a black pencil skirt? Well, after seeing this picture I want one even more.

*And, on a slight aside, I saw the Diane Arbus exhibition in Berlin this week, which I can only recommend visiting if you’re in town. It’s brilliant.

Have a great week!

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  1. Lara Maria
    Posted 23. July 2012 at 10:11 | Permalink

    Just discovered your blog and I must say, I really really like it!

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