spruced by marlene

Category Archive: a week in fashion

a week in fashion #80

By Marlene | Published: 4. November 2012
*It's like Mary read my mind when she came up with this colour for the Uslu Airlines x Stil in Berlin lipstick, a deep oxblood (just another name for burgundy - as the laws of fashion dictate that colours get renamed every season). The colour looks a bit Morticia Addams like this, but great when you put it on and as dramatic as its name. You can find the [...]

a week in fashion: new york moments

By Marlene | Published: 28. October 2012
I went to New York for 48 hours last week. Which begs the question: Why? It's not long enough! And it isn't, not nearly. But it was worth going alone for that moment in the car on the way from JFK into Manhattan when I saw the skyline rising in front of me for the first time. Because that moment? That moment feels like your blood has just been replaced with [...]

a week in fashion #79

By Marlene | Published: 14. October 2012
*Last week, I wrote about the jewellery I wear every day. Putting it on is as much of a habit as putting on mascara every morning. I don't really think about it – but I'll notice when I've forgotten. And then there's the jewellery that you wear like a kick-ass red lipstick. Sabrina Dehoff makes jewellery like that. I especially like her cocktail rings. [...]
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a week in fashion #78

By Marlene | Published: 7. October 2012
*I'm away in Munich for a couple of weeks and since there was no room left in the suitcase because of - what else? - all the shoes, I only brought the jewellery I wore the day I left. A silver bracelet with blue stones that I bought as a teenager and that I was THIS close to selling at the flea market the other week until a friend thankfully intervened. A [...]
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a week in fashion #77

By Marlene | Published: 30. September 2012
*Have you heard of a thing called pre-emptive shopping? It's what I did this week: Spent all the money I wanted to make at the flea market - before the flea market. Thankfully, sales were good today (although I'm crap at haggling. "How much do you want?" "Eight Euros." "Five." "Okay!" Clearly, I could use a lesson from "Life of Brian"). The shopping, however, [...]
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