spruced by marlene

postcard from denmark

By Marlene | Published: 20. August 2012

Maybe it’s fitting that I arrived back home in a heat wave today. Everything ran at a very reduced speed and I couldn’t have moved any quicker anyway after the week I’ve just had. A week in my parents’ summerhouse in Denmark: don’t set the alarm, get up whenever, watch the sun crawl over the veranda, eat breakfast with Fibersund and blueberries, read an entire newspaper, get on the bike, go, go somewhere, anywhere, maybe the beach, read, look out at the sea, fall asleep, read some more, be happy about great Danish fashion magazines like “Cover”, be happier not to need anything but a bikini, a pair of cut-offs and an old shirt for a week, be happy about great authors like Paul Murray (go buy “Skippy Dies” now, not just for the beach), get back on the bike at some point, stop sometimes, take a few pictures, eat an ice cream, go back to the garden, watch the sun crawl over the veranda. Repeat the next day. I guess everything will return to its normal pace tomorrow. Until then I’m going to pretend alarm clocks don’t exist.

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  1. steffie
    Posted 22. August 2012 at 23:14 | Permalink

    oh sooooooooooooo schön, das klingt so relaxed und macht lust auf ferien!!! und mehr fotos ;o)

    • Marlene
      Posted 23. August 2012 at 21:20 | Permalink

      Hey! Das war wirklich ein entspannter Urlaub und Dänemark, ach, Dänemark, ich muss einfach öfter hinfahren. Fotos kommen bald mehr – aus Kopenhagen. Dort war’s auch sehr schön.

      • steffie
        Posted 29. August 2012 at 23:11 | Permalink

        au ja… kopenhagen fotos!!!!!!!!!!!! ;o)

  2. Clothierin
    Posted 28. August 2012 at 19:23 | Permalink

    I love the sea! You have beautiful beach there…
    Gorgeous styling – you look really great – so cool and so romantic at the same time <3

    Greetings from Berlin


    • Marlene
      Posted 29. August 2012 at 11:58 | Permalink

      I’ve dreaming about going back to that beach ever since I came home…

      Thanks! That’s a nice compliment. I love it when the “styling” is as easy as putting on the same clothes every day for a week, hahaha.

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