spruced by marlene

Tag Archive: Berlin fashion week

the pro, part II

By Marlene | Published: 11. July 2012
Remember when I said I wanted to show you the rest of Kathrin's sensational Fashion Week outfit "tomorrow"? So, that was five days ago. But here it is now! We had about ten seconds to take the picture and - what can I say? - she's a total pro in front of the camera, too. P.S. I need a printed pencil skirt. Now. Suggestions?

review: syfb

By Marlene | Published: 7. July 2012
So last night James, our visiting friend Charlotte and I went to the "Start Your Own Fashion Business" award (or SYFB). I arrived a bit later than they did and went straight to looking at and taking pictures of the three collections in competition. I might as well have stopped at Blame. Because I really liked the clothes. But also because one of the models [...]

the pro

By Marlene | Published: 6. July 2012
Alright, so here's how I blog during fashion week (or, really, any other week): late at night, glass of red wine to my right, box of Manner Schnitten to my left, on the sofa, thinking "Well, I could always write that post tomorrow..." A thought usually followed by more red wine, then bed. Yesterday, Kathrin showed me how it's done: laptop in her bag, writing [...]

at ease

By Marlene | Published: 4. July 2012
As I'm typing this, my feet are up on a chair, still aching a little bit from last night. I threw on some heels for the opening party (well, parties) of fashion week. Which felt good - until I got out of the last cab and hobbled down the street towards home. That's when I wished I'd worn a cool pair of boots and a denim overall like Laura. Such a great, easy [...]