spruced by marlene

the rucksack

By Marlene | Published: 23. April 2012

New week, new style column.

The time: Last week.
The place: Berlin Mitte.
The players: Me. And Me.

Me: “Notice something? Lost of people out with rucksacks.”
Me: “You mean the tourists?”
“No, the hipster girls.”
“Oh those! Just ignore them.”
“Why? I think it looks cute. See that girl over there? With the boots, the long skirt and the leather rucksack casually flung over her shoulder? Cute.”
“If she’s carrying anything more than a pack of American Spirit and a bottle of Club Mate, she’ll have a stiff neck tonight.”
“God, you’re old sometimes.”

“I’m even old enough to remember the last time I wore a rucksack. I was 15. It was a Fjällräven model that I had drawn an A for anarchy on in biro. I’m not ready for a revival of the clothes I wore in the 90s.”
“Interesting. Then how do you explain the pair of tie-dyed jeans you just bought?”
“That’s totally different!”
“Yes. And, anyway, you’re changing the subject. Here’s another problem with the rucksack: the number of hideous ones is too discouraging to start looking for a pretty one. It’s so much easier and more satisfying to find a different bag that’s pretty.”
“But do you remember that girl in Paris? The one with the bag made from raffia and leather?”
“Sure, she looked good. But firstly she probably found that bag for a fiver in a vintage store and I lack the talent for vintage. Secondly, she was French and French women look inexplicably good in everything. Thirdly, she was 20.”
“Your point?”
“My point is that I’m not just too old for the backpack. I’m also not cool enough.”
“Maybe you’re right.”
“Hang on! Now that I’m thinking about it…”

Since I can’t make up my mind, what do you say: The rucksack – yes or no?

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  1. Fenke
    Posted 24. April 2012 at 10:42 | Permalink

    I say yes! Everything depends on the styling to make something your own 🙂

    • Marlene
      Posted 3. May 2012 at 00:24 | Permalink

      Agreed! How a rucksack looks is mostly a matter of styling. But if I have to change almost my entire look to suit the rucksack, maybe it’s just not the right bag for me, hahaha.

  2. Isabo
    Posted 24. April 2012 at 14:33 | Permalink

    The problem with rucksacks is they’re either “cute” oder “sensible”. You wouldn’t want either.

    • Marlene
      Posted 3. May 2012 at 00:25 | Permalink

      Looking for the “like”-button… Ah, you can add the facebook dilemma to the rucksack dilemma!

  3. Jana
    Posted 24. April 2012 at 23:22 | Permalink

    Man kann durchaus praktisch gekleidet sein und dabei gut aussehen. Ich finde viele Rucksäcke sehen spitze aus, vor allem, weil ihre TrägerInnen oft Selbstbewusstsein ausstrahlen! Mit Rucksack hat man oft nen aufrechten Gang und federnde Schritte, und wirkt entspannt! Das kann ich von mir nicht behaupten, wenn ich meinen LV-Matchbeutel samt Filo, Schminkbeutel und Börse rumtrage…

    • Marlene
      Posted 3. May 2012 at 00:27 | Permalink

      Praktisch gut aussehen – geht! Das finde ich auch. Ich mag so einen Fjällräven-Rucksack ja durchaus. Oder einen aus Leder wie bei diesem Mädchen hier. Trotzdem: irgendwie nicht an mir. Muss ich wohl weiter den aufrechten Gang mit meiner Handtasche üben…

  4. sidsel
    Posted 25. April 2012 at 08:44 | Permalink

    i second the yes. have seen some awesome leather ones. the japanese always seem to have really cool ones. verdict, a trip to tokyo

    • Marlene
      Posted 3. May 2012 at 00:21 | Permalink

      A trip to Tokyo – that should be the answer to all fashion dilemmas!

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