spruced by marlene

Tag Archive: shirt dress

what i wore this summer

By Marlene | Published: 23. August 2017
The beauty of some dresses only reveals itself after you’ve owned them for a while. Although I should’ve known I would love the Art Dress from RODEBJER from the start, because the same brand makes the caftan that makes me feel like an eccentric art collector with a holiday home in Palm Springs (not a bad thing) and that I’ve gotten more compliments for [...]

basics: the shirt dress

By Marlene | Published: 2. October 2015
Am I really going to admit how many times I hit 'refresh' until this shirt (dress) from Rika was finally – finally! – available in the onlineshop? So many times that I started to wonder if it was really going to be worth it or if I was merely talking myself into loving it. It wouldn’t be the first time I’d gotten set on a piece that ended up being [...]

basics: the white summer dress

By Marlene | Published: 17. September 2013
So I'm sitting here wearing woolen socks, asking myself: how did this happen? It can't possibly be fall already, can it? I was on Majorca only three weeks ago. Fine, four weeks ago. In 33 degree weather! And now it's dark outside at 7pm, I fired up the heating for the first time last night and in the supermarket the crates of strawberrys have been replaced [...]

little black summer dress

By Marlene | Published: 17. July 2013
27 degrees and sunny – that's the weather forecast for Berlin today. This is the little black summer dress that's perfect for just such a day. Light, breezy, really just a big shirt, but spruced up – ha! – with an oversized clutch and some cool kicks. Cheers for the inspiration, Sophia. Have a lovely day!