spruced by marlene

Tag Archive: Women in Clothes

the christmas giveaway

By Marlene | Published: 14. December 2015
Do you have all of your Christmas presents yet? I hope not. Because I did the shopping for you this year. It was easy, because I only picked things that I’d like to find underneath the tree myself. Then I called some Christmas elves who very generously helped get everything that I wanted. And now you can win the lot. So even if you’ve already bought all [...]

leanne shapton on „women in clothes“

By Marlene | Published: 1. October 2015
The title already tells you that this is probably not going to be an ordinary book about fashion. Women in Clothes. It’s so straightforward. So modest and yet mightily bold, because it would be quite a task to cover the entire spectrum of women and their clothes. What makes it in fact an extraordinary book about fashion is that it delivers on that promise [...]