spruced by marlene

the academy brand

By James | Published: 18. January 2012

Of course, I did my fair share of shopping in Australia, too. And often I managed to do it without really trying to, as was the case when I discovered The Academy Brand in Bondi. I stumbled upon their flagship store while cutting through Gould Street on my way from breakfast to the beach. It proved a detour well worth taking.

I left with a pair of pink shorts and the blue shirt below, but really could have bought much more. The store was a complete wardrobe of simple, yet well-designed pieces, all of which I felt would work in a limitless number of combinations. It all seemed to make a lot of sense in a place where it’s so easy to go from the beach to lunch, or work, or a bar at the end of the day; you would have to put almost no effort into putting together outfits that were versatile. Although that would be pretty useful in Berlin too, so here’s hoping the brand becomes available in Europe sometime soon.

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